The First Step to Success!
How to be Happy, Psychology
The First Step to Success!
Recently, I had the privilege of listening to a weekend- long workshop on how to be successful. One of the points the presenter made was that everything you have is your own doing. That concept actually guides us subconsciously every day.
This is what hit me. I spent twenty years in the Navy and when my career was over I had not attained the rank I thought I deserved. This has been a pressure within my mind for several years now. My belief had always been that if I worked hard and took care of the people working for me I would make rank. In theory this will work. This is what we were taught and the fact that it didn’t work as advertised did not compute in my mental processing.
What the workshop shined light onto was the fact that while the rank thing was a valid point, it was not my main focus of thought. I can hear myself time and time again saying the planes come first (I fixed Navy aircraft). Well, as I look back now, I realized that I really loved the aircraft and the smells and the pressure of making tight flight schedules and almost everything involved. Honestly, I just wanted the money that came with the rank and I could see that my friends who made rank, who shared my love for flight deck, were somewhat miserable.
So now I can truly say that the first step to success is to find what you love and focus on that!
If you are not happy with what you are doing, what good is having all the money in the world? It is so easy to focus on the things you love that it is nearly impossible for you to fail.
I look back with much more fondness now that I realize I achieved success because my planes flew the best! That was my true goal and the rank was merely a secondary consideration.
I look at my friends who have retired, as well, and even though they make a little more money in retirement than I do, I am still successful. I have the same things they do and, for the most part, less debt. It seems that having less money forced me to prioritize my spending. So I feel more successful than I did, because I have achieved so much with less.
The final idea presented in the workshop really cements these thoughts: “It is not what you have that matters in life. It is what you become that does!”
I will leave you with that to ponder.
Mark “The Sharp Guy”
When i was introduced to the SELF-LEADER SYSTEM
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Mark–the Sharp Guy fits you perfectly and this last thought of yours really rings true for me: “It is not what you have that matters in life. It is what you become that does!”
I my older years I have become a nicer person in all ways and I am a value creator–ready for other ASAP. THANK YOU FOR BEING YOU.